8 Amazing Tools to Simplify WordPress Plugin Development

If you’re looking for a highly advanced yet user-friendly code editor to develop a WordPress plugin in collaboration with other fellow developers, then Atom is perfect for you.

With state-of-the-art features such as Smart Autocompletion, Cross-platform Editing, Multiple Panes support, and a Built-in Package Manager, it helps you write code much faster than other text editors.

When using with WordPress, make sure you install WordPress-specific packageshttps://www.shunyihr.net/ WordPress API and Autocomplete WordPress Hooks to leverage the true potential of Smart Autocompletion in WordPress plugin development.


PHPUnit is a unit testing framework tool for PHP. Since WordPress is also based on PHP, you can take advantage of this powerful tool for the unit testing of your WordPress plugins.

No matter what version of PHP your WordPress plugin is built with, getting started with PHPUnit is as easy as one, two and three with the wealth of documentation provided.